The WTBL plots at Church Lane Allotments in Wormley are a shared community space where people can come together to grow and spend time outdoors. It is perfect for those without their own place to plant vegetables or who don’t want the responsibility of managing an allotment single handed.
Potatoes, courgettes, peas, beans, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, rhubarb and many other crops have all been grown successfully with plenty to share among those who’ve participated. A large cage has also been installed for raspberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries and other fruit.

It’s for people of any age, experience or ability to get involved and work together in a friendly, supportive way sharing their knowledge and ideas.
We now have a new shed, 2 green houses and some raised beds in order to try different methods of gardening. If you’re interested, contact WTBL.

Social Walks take place every Tuesday and Thursday meeting at 9.20am for a 9.30am start from the WTBL Hub at Wormley Community Centre.
If you fancy a challenge, a faster walk leaves on the last Friday of the month at the same time.
A small charge covers refreshments every Thursday in the hall where you can relax and catch up over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
For more information or to join, please call 01992 217077.
* Please note that unfortunately our walks are not appropriate for dogs or pushchairs

Sewing Bee & Other Crafts
Sewing Bee group meets on Thursdays from 1-3pm in the Studio room at Wormley Community Centre.
It is a social group as opposed to a class or workshop, so perfect for bringing along your existing projects and sharing tips with others.
There are a handful of sewing machines available to use, along with a wealth of knowledge and expertise!