Big Local is a resident led community development project.
150 areas around the country were selected by the National Lottery to take part in the Big Local programme and in 2012 Wormley and Turnford were lucky enough to be chosen. Each Big Local area received a grant of £1 million from the National Lottery Community Fund to spend over 10+ years on things that local people felt will benefit the community.

The aim of Big Local is to empower local communities to transform and improve their lives and the places they live, so if you live or work in Wormley or Turnford, you’re part of Big Local.

How it works
Decisions about how the money is spent are made by a voluntary Partnership of local residents who consult with the wider community to gather ideas and gain an understanding of local needs and priorities. Anyone living in the area who has a passion for building and developing a strong cohesive community can apply to join the Partnership. Residents wishing to become Partnership members are asked to join a Subgroup for a period of 3 months, so that they get a good understanding of the project, its aims and strategies before deciding whether to apply to join the Partnership at WTBL’s AGM.
Every two years the Partnership writes a new Community Plan based on what emerges from the consultations with local people. This guides the actions for the next funding period.
The National Lottery created the Local Trust to manage the Big Local programme nationally. Every Big Local Partnership is supported by a representative from the Local Trust who attends Partnership meetings. The Partnership also choose a Local Trusted Organisation (LTO) to provide support, guidance and manage the finances. The LTO for Wormley and Turnford Big Local is the Community Alliance for Broxbourne and East Herts.
Obviously WTBL can’t manage everything voluntarily so as the project has developed, others have been employed to help with the process. Our Marketing Officer Victoria manages all our social media, advertising and artwork that is used internally and across the county, Zoe engages with the local community helping them to realise projects and Lawrence is our Community Centre Manager, responsible for the Centre itself, the proposed refurbishment and also the emerging charity Broxbourne Big Local. Other specialist services are commissioned to provide valuable support or training when required.

Community Plan
The Community Plan is what guides the activities of Wormley and Turnford Big Local. It is written following consultation with local residents and submitted to the Local Trust for approval.
The plan must prove that residents, groups and partner organisations have all worked together to spend the funding effectively in the community.
The Community Plan for 2021 – 2026 was approved in December 2020 and looks at creating a lasting legacy for the local area.