There are various ways to get involved with WTBL:
As a volunteer: The health walks are always in need of willing volunteers or perhaps you’re green fingered and would like to spend time on the community allotment? If you have a specialist skill or interest, there are opportunities to start new groups and activities which you may want to run yourself. You will need to join our Outreach and Engagement group who meet weekly so that you can be fully supported as you grow your group.

As a Partnership Member: If you’ve been inspired and wish to join our Partnership, we’d be delighted to hear from you! Partnership members represent all walks of the community and have a passion for seeing the area strengthen and become more cohesive. The Partnership is responsible for steering the project while responding to the voices of the residents. All members are required to sit on at least one themed Subgroup: Legacy, Governance & Finance or Outreach and Engagement so they can add value as a Partnership member. Why not give us a call to hear more?

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